Is Jurassic World: The Game (jurassic world the game) not working for everyone right now? Get current Jurassic World: The Game (jurassic world the game) outages, status, timeouts and issue reports today.
Jurassic World: The Game is a simulation video game developed by Ludia and based on the 2015 film Jurassic World
This graph shows Jurassic World: The Game errors and response times for the website over the past day. Website status and slowness is related to downtime for Jurassic World: The Game and errors for their site.
This chart above shows Jurassic World: The Game error reports submitted in the past 24 hours (one day) compared to the recent average over similar days. The status of Jurassic World: The Game is marked as "down" when the number of reported errors is significantly higher than the average errors.
Jurassic World: The Game is a simulation video game developed by Ludia and based on the 2015 film Jurassic World. It is a sequel to Ludia's earlier game, Jurassic Park Builder, and features similar gameplay. The Chinese servers for the game shut down on January 4, 2021 making it unplayable there. However, it is still playable in other parts of the world.