Is D&D Beyond (dndbeyond) Down?

Is D&D Beyond (dndbeyond) not working for everyone right now? Get current D&D Beyond (dndbeyond) outages, status, timeouts and issue reports today.

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D&D Beyond is the official digital toolset and game companion for Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition

D&D Beyond website request errors

This graph shows D&D Beyond errors and response times for the website over the past day. Website status and slowness is related to downtime for D&D Beyond and errors for their site.

D&D Beyond outage report graph

This chart above shows D&D Beyond error reports submitted in the past 24 hours (one day) compared to the recent average over similar days. The status of D&D Beyond is marked as "down" when the number of reported errors is significantly higher than the average errors.

More about D&D Beyond service

D&D Beyond is the official digital toolset and game companion for Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition. DDB hosts online versions of the official Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition books, including rulebooks, adventures, and other supplements; it also provides digital tools like a character builder and digital character sheet, monster and spell listings that can be sorted and filtered, an encounter builder, and an interactive overlay Twitch Extension. In addition to official D&D content, it also provides the ability to create and add custom homebrew content. D&D Beyond also publishes regular original video, stream, and article content, including interviews with Dungeons & Dragons staff, content previews and tie-ins, and weekly development updates. D&D Beyond was formerly operated by Curse LLC, a subsidiary to Twitch. However, on December 12, 2018, Fandom, Inc. announced that it had acquired all of Curse's media assets, including D&D Beyond.

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What should I do if D&D Beyond is unavailable?
If D&D Beyond is UP but you can't load the page, here are some helpful troubleshooting steps:
Try refreshing your browser page or close any accompanying applications and retry opening them.
Check if access to D&D Beyond is blocked
Access to D&D Beyond may be blocked due to an antivirus or firewall configuration either on your own computer or phone or by an employer or network. Check for anti-virus programs or firewalls installed on your machine. Alternatively, try to use the website or app via another network like one on a mobile phone so you can access D&D Beyond.
Clear browser cache and cookies
Try clearing your browser cache and cookies and change the IP address of the computer by disconnecting and reconnecting the internet. Then try to access D&D Beyond again.
DNS Cache
To clear the DNS cache on your computer, look up instructions for your specific operating system online. Then try to access the D&D Beyond site again.
Web Browser Plugins
If you are still having trouble accessing D&D Beyond, you may try to disable web browser plugins (like ad-blockers) which may be interfering with access to D&D Beyond